Sunday, January 8, 2012

Shouldn't George W. Bush be fired for insulting the intelligence of all American citizens?

I absolutely agree with you, Bush should be impeached. His performance as president has been shameful. He has repeatedly lied to both congress and the American people. The United States is now hated by most of the world, including our supposed allies. He brought us into a war that only he, and his cronies, are benefitting from. We, as citizens need to send Bush, and all politicians for that matter, a clear message that they are in office ONLY to serve the greater good of the nation. There is no accountability for politicians, because they are the ones who decide what is right and wrong. Where is the outrage? Why is everyone in this country up in arms over a stupid comment made by Imus, but they roll over and play dumb about Bush? We, as the citizens of the greatest nation on Earth, need to get our priorities straight.

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