Saturday, December 31, 2011

Whom do you think was responsible for the disinformation stating that Iraq had WMD's?

VP Cheney. He was pushing hard for a war and he picked the info he wanted. The idea to attack Iraq was on the table before 9/11.

Hello Christians - Question on conversions?

Christian missionaries in non islamic Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka and Nepal are converting the Hindus and tribals to christianity and are very successful. I wonder why you target minority religions like Hinduism. Christianity will flourish if you can convert muslims to Christianity.

Need graphic details please?

this might sound a little weird but im looking for some VERY detailed info about labor. im 38 weeks(on sunday) im scheduled for a c-section on the 29th. but im having huge labor anxiety. this is my 2nd but i never went into labor with the first, he was 41+ weeks and breech so the just did the section. but 2 weeks ago at the dr they told me this this lil'guy is already head down. now im freaking out that ill go into labor before the section. and i have no idea what to expect!! every thing i read or watch is kinda handled gently. i obviously know the basics but like when the "water breaks" how much comes out and how easy is it to mistake for normal discharge. also what does the mucous plug look like. and how will i know if im having contractions? i've been having terrable cramps in the lower abdoman which i would have mistaken for contraction except the nurse told me i was just dehydrated. im sure if it actually happens ill know it but id really like any insight i can get before hand

Narrowing the list down...?

Labor and Delivery nurses actually help deliver the baby and take care of the baby while they are there for the normal 3-5 days after birth. If the baby is sick and has to be put in the NICU, that is a neonatal nurse. That is where your premies and sick babies are. A pediatric nurse deals with children from newborn- 19 years old. The RN part is confusing, because you have to be that (besides an LPN) to be any of those nurses. Hope that helps!

Horror movies to see late at night??

i want some good horror movies, like slasher movies, teen horror movies, with serial killers, or some other good horror movies, not like exorcist, i don't like movies like that....

WOW. You'd be surprised what you can do if you think. Atheists, this ones for you.?

Let's track the rise, growth, and spread of Christianity. Originating in the Roman Empire, let's say it officially starts at 0 A.D. Interestingly enough, at it's weakest point, Rome was the strongest nation in the world. As it grew stronger it grew weaker. Seems corrosive. Oops, Roman Empire collapses. What replaces it? The "Dark Ages." This is only in Europe;for example India was thriving at the time(of course India's always thriving). The Dark Ages saw the epoch of Christianity. It also saw a period of very dumb peasants and warlike knights rule Europe. At the time when Christianity was at it's strongest, Europe was at it lowest. Then, look, the Renaissance and Enlightenment, as well as the Scientific revolution, drive religion back. And then Europe conquers the world. Interesting. In the last 100 years of religous freedom we have done far more than the 1000 of chaos during which Christianity reigned. Oh, this is a question, right..."what does this say about Christianity?"

Are 10 town-hall-style meetings too much for John McCain?

Obama'smother died an early death from cancer - maybe he too will be gone in a couple years, what with his smoking and drug problem. All he can handle is rock concert-like events with hordes of Obamabots - REAL debtae is wayyyyyyyyyy out of his league.

How cold did your feet get?

Yep. They as cold as Alaska on it's coldest day. lol. People were laughing at me because i'm an event/wedding planner and I did my wedding from top to bottom. When I say from top to bottom I mean it. All floral arraignments, favors, decor, rehearsal, venue, food/alcohol, and more. I was as cool as they come until the day of. Wow, I broke out in hives (something I've never had before), I was a nervous reck and couldn't wait to get down that aisle and give everyone a hug that I needed so bad. I wish you the best and you'll be just fine.

How many years of Collage will I have to take to become a Nutritionist?

It would take at least 4 years of college. You may want to get a Masters in order to widen the job market.

Are people as stupid as they actually appear?more or less?

Stupid is as stupid does. That just does not work. Your mistakes in life do not show for years and years sometimes. You feel that others are ignorant and as you grow, you find how wrong and ignorant you are.

WDYT of the name Milo?

It's okay, but it makes me think of the movie Milo & Otis and that makes me think it's a pet name.

What do you want to be remembered for?

Death is definitely not an easy topic. Most of us don't want to face that stark reality. But I attended a funeral service yesterday morning, and it made me think about my own life. What will people say when I p away? My question to you is, what do you want others to say about your life? What do you want to be remembered for?

Can we "think" with our heart or gut?

You may be thinking of the enteric nervous system of the intestine, which Michael Gershon (a well known gut neuroscientist) has termed, "the second brain," and which is also the title of a recent popular science book he wrote on the subject. Gershon (I think he's still Chairman of the Cell Biology & Anatomy Dept. at Columbia University Med School) is not just any popular science writer, he's an M.D. himself, and has been an active researcher at the top of the field of gut physiology, particularly the enteric nervous system, for decades. He has called it that because if you cut the nerves that connect the brain and gut, the gut can still function fairly well, independently of its connection to the central nervous system--it can still "think," though not in the sense our brains think--but its ability to move food down its length is only slightly impaired, its ability to digest and absorb nutrients are little affected, and it pretty much can function very well without that connection to the CNS. It can do this because in its wall, and unique among all the organ systems, it has a rich network of its own neurons and ganglia which serve to locally control its movement and other activities.

Feelings for boyfriend Unstable?

I dont know..its like one minute i like him..then the next i think hes ugly and i literally hate his guts..i sometimes find myself looking at other guys and thinking they are hot..i mean we've been going out for about 2 years ON AND OFF. He treats me nice but he's not vey funny..and hes not vey attractive. sometimes on the phone, we'll just sit there and he dosent say anything..Why am i feeling like this?? No silly comments please Thanks

My brother is getting overwieght, what do i do?

ok im 17 and my brother is 14. i am normal wieght athletic, and my brother is kinda overweight. honestly, i think it is sad because he is my brother and i feel sorry for him. my parents got divorced two yrs ago and i think thats why hes fat, cuz hes depressed. but my mom (who i dont see much) denies that he is overwieght. my dad knows but he still cooks us high fat foods. i tell him to make us low fat healthy foods, but he doesnt. i really do not know what to do about my bro because everyone doesnt even realize it. just me, i look at him and im just like ugh, what should i do???? PLEASE HELP ME! (and btw dont answer to diss my bro, cuz ill eff u up, he has lots of friends and popular smart kid, and good at band) BUT PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE! THANKS

I have bulimia, should I be worried? please I need some support and advice.?

Yes. You're body needs nutrients and you obviously aren't getting them this way. You won't be as strong as you would be if you were eating 3 healthy meals a day and keeping them down. As well, you're destroying the lining to your esophagus. Even if your mom isn't willing to help you, you can always ask a friend, councilor or someone you trust to get involved. Try eating more fruits and vegetables as well as protein, your body can't function on all those carbs.

Who's your favourite celebrity baby?

2) shiloh jolie pitt. I mean who doesn't love their baby and them? They are the least dramatic couple and parents in hollywood right now.

Does this sound like roseola?

My thirteen month old daughter got sick starting on Sunday. She suddenly developed a high fever, but didn't really have any other symptoms, other than being tired and slightly cranky. The first day her fever was around 102. I called the on call nurse since it was a weekend, and she said keep an eye on her and call the doctor Monday if it got worse. Monday and Tuesday her fever was around 103-104, and her appointment wasn't until yesterday. Yesterday, her fever completely broke, but she woke up with a rash on her stomach, back, and face. It was spotty and turned white when you pushed on it, exactly like the rash of roseola. It looks exactly like the pictures I saw online. But the doctor said she just had a throat virus. I know roseola is also a virus, but he didn't even mention that as a possiblity. We had to recently switch doctors due to an insurance change, so this is the first time he diagnosed her. Does this sound like roseola and should I consider finding a different doctor?

How many kitchen cabinet wholesaler site in Las Vegas?

There are actually MANY kitchen cabinet wholesalers in the Vegas area. Some of the highly rated of them are Frontier Builders, Inc and Unique Countertops. But the list goes on for many, many pages...

Colic and gripe water???

My 5 week old daughter is colic. Mycolin drops were not working so we began using gripe water, which seems to be working. I am using Wellements gripe water before each feeding (1/2 dose >= 6x a day). I am concerened about the sodium barcbonate and glycerin it in as I am using it daily. Are these ingredients safe to use daily? How often is everyone else using gripe water and what brand of gripe water are people using? Has anyone tried the brand Colic Calm-does it work? Has anyone tried just diluted chamomile tea for colic relief? Any suggestions would help (gas drops, infant mage and swaddling have not worked and the ped. has advised against probiotics as she is fed and I am eating probiotic yogart everyday the is supposed to be ping through milk). Thanx

Atheists, do you sometimes 'pretend' to be religious?

i sooo do. especially when there's religious occasions at church or festivals. its like i miss those days when i did believe in god. but the funny thing is, i can totally pull it off. i can completely hold the bible and sing hymns and choirs, say the quotes etc. my family doesnt notice a thing. i miss the age of innocence i guess... truth hurts. but it strengthens my community spirit.

Whats the best book you've read ?

i really liek the harry potter books but you've probally read them so a good series if oyu liek twilight would be daughters of the moon series awesome

Theists: What do you ociate with the word "atheist"?

When you hear that word, what does it bring to mind? Are there any particular feelings or connotations you ociate with that word?

Where can I find the Invincible code on Incredible Hulk: Ultamite Destruction?

I used the Gameshark 2 disk and I seen it under the code input, and I would like to know how to get it WITHOUT using the gameshark.

Lots of tiny black like bug things in my pond why?

My goldfish have been there for 2 days (they are still not moving from the bottom all 10 of them) the pond has had water in it for 4 weeks before puttin fish in and theres been no black bug things but this mornign i went out and theres hundreds of theses black things what are they? are they harmful to ym fish? also the fishfood has gone and i don't know if the fish ate it or the weird bugs please help


H1, though it is not in production for 2007. They sold like 5 in 2006, so they discontinued it. Now it's the H2. at around 45,000 smackaroos.

What stores should i shop at if i like the clothes that...?

what stores should i shop at if i like the clothes that marky kate and ashley olsen, vanessa hudgens, and nicole richie wear?? what would you call that style?

North Carolinians: Do you like UNC or Wake?

PLEASE answer Wake! They might be below UNC on the charts, but they play with a way better attitude!

Need help with writing a leaflet for child abuse?

The signs of child abuse would be bruised skin or broken bones.swollen eyes and over all signs of neglect.

JESSE McCARTNEY!!!???!!!???!!!???

Do you know the song Invincible by jesseM. Well if you do then is he talking about his old girlfriend, also did she die?